Firstly, before we got on the plane from Phoenix to Honolulu, they announced that they were close to the weight limit, so they needed some passengars to give up their seats. Bad omen number 1.
We did end up leaving AZ on time, but about 2 hours into the flight the captain announces that we're diverting to San Francisco. On the way towards San Fran, we have to burn off excess fuel and during these manuevers they cancel the beverage cart before it gets to Jenn or I. They were going to refuel and
In San Fran, they decided to let people off the plane. Some didn't get back on. Jenn and I decided not to get off. We would later come to regret that decision. It's nothing bad, but we could have gotten food in the terminal especially as they had said they were only going to let people off for 15 minutes, which turned into almost an hour. So we had to suffer the rest of the flight without food. That made us very hungry by the time we landed in Honolulu at 1AM Detroit time.
Off the plane we waited for what seemed like forever at the baggage claim. I think it might have been at least half an hour. After getting our baggage we took a cab to the hotel and checked in, changed into more tropical weight clothes and went out in search of dinner. We ended up going to this Korean BBQ Japanese Style (their title). It was very good. Of course anything would be good after the amount of time we had been without food. The menu there was kind of funny, so I took a picture.

The last menu item there is what made me laugh.
After dinner we walked to the beach, and then walked the main drag in Waikiki. Jenn got a purse and a smoothie in the International Marketplace. We also stopped at one of the dozens of ABC Stores for snacks, where we discovered that Jenn has her own line of bottled beverages.

We eventually decided to have drink in the hotel bar. After one beer, I was bushed (as it was midnight or 6am Detroit time) and went upstairs to sleep. Jenn stayed up as she had slept a fair amount on the plane. She's sleeping now, so, I should eventually go get her, and hopefully nudge her towards a normalish sleep schedule.
Other random things.
When we landed in Phoenix, Air Force One was on the tarmac there, as apparently Bush was in AZ for something.
The plane we were in is close to the limit of it's range flying from Phoenix to Honolulu. That combined with only being able to take on the minimum amount of fuel to make the flight without going over the weight limit, and strong headwinds and taking the longer northern route to avoid stronger winds on the more direct route all combined to cause us to divert to San Francisco. Being at the point of no return on fuel is commonly referred to as being at "Bingo fuel".
Lettus... your past is so spicy.
P.S. Skip's doing ok.
They don't serve food on flights to Hawaii?? That sucks! Glad to hear you made it in one piece. Have fun, looking forward to lots and lots of pictures!!
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